YEN London is 10

To celebrate YEN London's tenth anniversary the current committee organised a Thames river cruise with drinks reception, dinner and dancing. And you can't forget the fantastic views on offer too. This event mirrored that of the first YEN London event I attended, a river cruise to launch the formal encouragement of YEN London in 2011.

Notable attendees at this evenings event included the CIBSE President, the CIBSE Board Member that mentors the Young Engineers Network and previous committee members, including the first chair, and founder, of the committee. The current committee members and the wider YEN community were also out in numbers for the event. A special gift was presented to the YEN Mentor to thank them for their support both before the network was formed and continuing support all these years later.


Our cruise departed from Festival Pier on the South Bank and headed up stream past Big Ben, the Palace of Westminster and beyond Chelsea to Putney. The highlight of the first part of the route was seeing Battersea Power Station and the surrounding development. As the light faded we progressed downstream passing the London Eye, Tate Modern, Shakespeare's Globe Theatre, City Hall and Tower Bridge.

The event would not have been possible without the support of the manufacturers that sponsored the event, our thanks, on behalf of all of CIBSE YEN. 

For more information on CIBSE YEN London head too