CIBSE YEN Global Conference: UAE 2017

The end of October 2017 saw the second CIBSE YEN Global Conference, and the venue was the United Arab Emirates. During our visit CIBSE YEN attended an event at Amity University launching a new university chapter of the UAE CIBSE YEN Centre, further growing the reach of the YEN network. The trip also continued to build strong links with ASHRAE as we were joined by a member of ASHRAE's YEA and our YEN/YEA Liaison Officer.

Highlights of the week included technical tours of both Masdar City and the Cleveland Clinic. There was also a chance learn more about the culture with visits to the Grand Mosque and the Etihad Museum.

Whilst in Dubai CIBSE YEN also joined the UAE regions technical symposium and had a meeting to discuss progress to date and the future of our network and how we can work internationally. We were honoured to be joined by CIBSE President. The conference was only possible with the support of volunteers throughout CIBSE, especially in the UAE CIBSE Region and the CIBSE YEN UAE Centre. On our last evening, we joined the regional dinner, where I presented a pre-dinner speech (details).

The conference was also covered in the CIBSE Journal:

A selection of group shots from the tour:

A selection of images: Masdar City, the Burj Kalifa and the Grand Mosque:

The events of the week were reported on social media: #YENGlobal17

For details of the first YEN Global Conference in Hong Kong click here.